How NOT to write an introduction letter:
The student experiencing the emotion of Blue Babybels
October 14, 2022
To: Teacher
I’m afraid I have lost myself. When someone asks me, “Hello, buddy, how do you do? Why the long face?” I am bereft of an answer. Is it because summer days have passed, and now, sleepless nights commence? Is it because my beloved sports team lost horribly? Is it because I forgot to close the fridge in my room, and now my Babybels are a luxury I can no longer afford? I do not know. Every day I wake up, and I feel. I feel so much. My bedframe, my mattress, my pillow — I feel all three emotions. My friends tell me I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, to which I ask, which side is wrong? I’ve tried left, right, upward, downward even. Tomorrow night I’ll be on the ceiling, and the next I’ll sleep on the floor! No matter what side I sleep on, I still wake up to the feels each and every morning! Maybe different feelings will give me a new taste in my mouth — a new experience, a new emotion, a new Babybel, wrapped in blue. I live for the weekends, only to sleep on Sundays. When I ponder my being, I feel my head begin to swirl. ’Round and ’round the carousel spins. Oh, make it stop! This perpetual state of dizziness makes clarity feel alien, but alas, this is an introductory letter. I forgot. I must include my interests, the activities I enjoy partaking in. I enjoy … sleeping. I also enjoy Babybels. When I turn this into Turnitin, the whirlwind of thoughts will subside, I hope. But as you read this, and send me an email regarding my work, how it was very far off from your expectations of the assignment, as well as two weeks late, I will once again find myself … bereft.
With warmth,
Brigham 😀