Pelican Service Organization: Serving the Community Through the Decades

Edward Park '23, Contributor

Whether it be a 3v3 soccer tournament, Color Run, Gingerbread House competition, or 3v3 basketball tournament, the Pelican Service Organization, or PSO, is always looking to help out in the Loomis Chaffee and greater Windsor community.

PSO is the oldest and largest student-run service club at Loomis Chaffee. The students in PSO choose the fundraising events that PSO hosts throughout the year, as well as what organizations the funds raised would support.

This school year, the pandemic poses uncertainty as to whether it is safe to conduct PSO events. Many of the typical PSO events are not conducive to social distancing policies.

“Basketball 3v3 is a popular annual event that may occur or not occur this year, depending on the prevailing condition,” said Heather Henderson, the Director of Community Service.

There are several events that PSO will be able to host while following social distancing protocol.

“The Gingerbread house competition, which is usually in the winter, will most likely take place since students could build gingerbread houses wherever they are,” said Michael Zhou ’22, this year’s PSO president.

Michael has been a part of PSO since freshman year. Supervising the grill for the 3v3 soccer tournament as his first volunteer event for PSO, he met the PSO presidents and officers, who welcomed him to the organization.

As a sophomore, Michael served as the associate officer for the PSO. He attended every PSO meeting with fellow associate officers and presidents to brainstorm new ideas for events and listened to other’s ideas. He led and co-led several PSO events throughout the year.

Under the unique circumstances of this school year, Michael is hopeful that students will still join and engage with PSO events.

“PSO is a great platform that students can utilize to give back to the Loomis and greater Windsor community while supporting great causes and meeting new people,” Michael said.

Currently, the PSO is using virtual platforms to inform students of the upcoming PSO events and activities, to reach students who are studying both on and off-campus.

“One of my current roles is writing Daily Bulletins about PSO events and their highlights. This year, especially with the pandemic disrupting school, not many students will be aware of opportunities available. Communication will play an integral part in kindling passion for community service at Loomis,” PSO associate officer Jim Le ’23 said.

The next PSO event will be mask making, where students will be provided materials to make face masks, which will be distributed to the homeless and potentially be sent out to California, where air pollution from wildfires are ravaging the state.